Mercy Neighborhood Ministries, SPARKmakers, Spring, STEAM Program

Balloon Cars!

General Topics: Kinetic Energy, Mechanics, Physics, Simple Machines
Grade Level: 2-3

In this activity we explored the process of how forces work and how a force in one direction can cause motion in the opposite direction (Newton’s third law). The exercise had the students learning how to make a car powered by a balloon to be blown up and released. This gives the car forward motion!

Each student was given the cardboard pieces to assemble together, followed by the pencil axle, and the wheels. While the cardboard pieces were already cut to size, the students still had to measure the car sides and cut in slots for their wheel axles. This taught them how to use a ruler and measure items in inches. When the wheels and body were complete, the balloon was added and students could race their balloon cars!

This class we learned:

  • Newton’s third law (every action has an opposite and equal reaction)
  • Using a ruler and the difference between meters and inches

Things to keep in mind for future activities: 

  • Originally we were hoping to add a motor to the car or another electronic component but with the time to make the car, there was not enough time for an additional electronic component. In the future possibly pre-assembling the car or splitting into two sessions would be best